GlobalPAY offers a low merchant rate, with fixed margins of 0.40% and $0.10 per transaction above Interchange for payment processing costs. Plus, no long-term contracts! Before signing up, we’ll run a complimentary cost analysis against your current provider to ensure you’re getting the lowest possible and best rate for accepting credit cards. Since we only operate on the Interchange-plus pricing model, you always get the lowest rates, and our margins are clearly spelled out.
Customers that choose to pay with a debit card or cash pay no fee. Business owners are responsible for swiped debit transactions at the cost of 1.5% + $0.25 per transaction (no service fee added). GlobalPAY provides a terminal that automatically determines the customer's card type and won't charge a fee on debit cards.
*Your business’s cost on consumer debit cards is 1.5% + $0.25. Mid Qualified cards 2.50% and non-qualified cards 3.50%. Key-entered debit transactions on the GlobalPAY do not qualify for the 1.5% + $0.25 rate and will fall into mid or non-qualified rates.
Our expert team ensures you get paid quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on expanding your business and achieving your goals.
Streamline Payments with Powerful Solutions
Save Money
Focus On Growth
Simplify Transactions with Confidence
Interchange-plus pricing works by adding a constant, flat margin on top of interchange. We ensure our traditional program is simple, transparent, and fair by capping our margins at 0.55% and $0.15 per transaction above interchange – meaning you’ll know exactly how much money was paid to the card-issuing banks, how much went to the card associations, and how much went to GlobalPAY. Add an answer to this item.
The Traditional Program is perfect for businesses that don’t want to incorporate any processing fees into their menu pricing but are still looking to save money and operate on a transparent, simple program at their business.
GlobalPAY's traditional program gives business owners direct access to wholesale pricing + a flat fee and capped margins. This allows your business peace of mind knowing you’re paying exactly what card providers charge for the cost of acceptance.
If your business is looking to offset 100% of processing fees, then the Cash Discount program might be a better fit for your payment needs. Check it out here.
Imagine the potential of recovered expenses for your organization. Unlock new initiatives and possibilities with increased cash flow. Let us empower you. Small adjustments can notably cut costs. As you grow, these savings amplify. By trimming operating expenses, you could reclaim significant revenue, boosting profit margins.
Let’s Talk Savings!
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